TGC Foundation
Khlong Toei Low Income Community Outreach
We would like to acknowledge and lift up the LifePoint Church’s (Bangkok Campus) Khlong Toei Community Outreach Program. We are in awe of the volunteers of the church who continually with compassion and humbleness who serve the children living in the low income housing projects known locally […]
Jesus #3 Children’s Christian Workbook by JoyFlow and TBS
Praise the Lord! The third of five of the “My Jesus” series of workbooks for the children of Thailand has been published. They are on sale at the Thailand Bible Society Bookstore or on their website ( We want to thank the countless people behind the scenes that has made it possible to produce and […]
Good Community Church VBS @ House of Blessings, Bangkok Thailand
Two days of Vacation Bible School (VBS) at the House of Blessings (HOB) in Bangkok, Thailand. The Good Community Church (GCC) of Torrance, California (our home & sending church) Thailand VBS team spent three days at the HOB to have Bible stories, crafts and games. The children ranging from four to sixteen years old enjoyed […]
Back to Thailand in July 2024
Preliminary plans are for my wife and I to be back in early July to plan for our Good Community Church missions service team to join us for a week the last week of July and early August. Please pray for us that with the Holy Spirit’s guidance the program we develop for the team […]
Visiting IDC – Today was a challenging day.
The Immigration Detention Center (IDC) is difficult to find and travel to when you have to rely on public transportation. It is over a mile walk to and from the nearest subway line. Calvary Baptist Church orders a large amount of Pakistani food to deliver to the detainees for each visitor. We also purchase other […]
Covenant Church Sukhumvit – EGEIRO CLUB
The students are coming to EGEIRO CLUB from 15:00 to 18:00. It is a great opportunity for you to interact and influence the students who attend schools near the Ekkami BTS. Play games, talk, council or just hang out with some pretty awesome students.