Good Community Church VBS @ House of Blessings, Bangkok Thailand
Two days of Vacation Bible School (VBS) at the House of Blessings (HOB) in Bangkok, Thailand. The Good Community Church (GCC) of Torrance, California (our home & sending church) Thailand VBS team spent three days at the HOB to have Bible stories, crafts and games. The children ranging from four to sixteen years old enjoyed the singing and dancing the most! There were about 50 children we served by our 24 member team. My wife and I deeply appreciate our Thailand 2024 team for their incredible efforts in making it a very successful event for the children. Our team poured out their hearts and souls to them for all the children are from parents who are incarcerated in prisons all over Thailand. Some of the children have been abandoned as infants and the HOB has been raising them. Please donate to the worthy cause at the HOB at